Plan miasta Caraaci

Caraaci - Najnowsze wiadomości:

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... ? ???????? bCARAACI/b Nepus (??????????? Caratacus), ????????, ? 5-?? ????, ] ? ?????? ?????????????????? ? 1219 ????. ??????? ???????? ? ????? ????????? ???? 1085, ? ??????? ??????????? 34 ??????? ?????? ????????, 41 ????????, ...
źródło: BlogSearch

DRAIOCHT... DEI-A-CHARA...: Tacitus and Caractacus

Pictured above, at Winsford Hill (SS 88983355) The inscription reads "bCARAACI/b NEPUS', or the 'kinsman of Caractus.' The location of the stone is Exmoor, an expansive and wild plain located in the south-east of Britian in Devon. b.../b
źródło: BlogSearch

Tacitus and Caractacus

Caractacus was the Chieftan/King of the Catuvellauni tribe (lands central/west Britian, north-west of London towards Wales) at the time of the Roman invasion under the Commander Aulus Plautius (circa 50 CE). ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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